Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What the Hell

Now that it is Spring Break I can get back to my alter life of being a very famous and intensely read blogger. Since I can fill my days that were consumed with teaching with more educational endeavors this week such as reading Life and Style I really have been learning alot. I, being the good Samaritan I am decided that I would share the best tidbit of the magazine with you my loyal reader.
No, I am not going to talk about octo-mom and how she is "just a misunderstood mother- a woman who wants to create opportunities of love."
Nor am I going to talk about Sex and the City 2 and how according to an insider the plot line is Big cheats on Carrie. Also the subheading of the movie will be called "And the horse is beaten to death yet again."
No! I will be sharing with you the most amazing fashion design of 2009, possibly of the 21st century. It boggles the mind that this was not created before. I now present to you the greates invention I have never seen.

I have yet to find out where to purchase them, they are made in Japan so I fear they have not made their U.S. debut yet but I will continue to research and keep you updated. I hope that you have enjoyed this amazing fashion find as much as I have. I guess that Life and Style really does have educational value.


Unknown said...

that's amazing!

Brian said...

Do they make them in man sizes and styles? That's really what I want to know...